My name is Ethan Fang and I am based out of the San Francisco, Bay Area.
I am currently pursuing a BSE in Computer Science from Case Western Reserve University, planning to graduate early in 2025.
My planned concentrations are Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence.
I am also minoring in mathematics and finance.
I am interested in backend development, AI, and quantitative finance. Quant work has always been something that has interested me,
and I would love to gain experience in the field and explore that deeper in the future.
Growing up, I was nationally ranked in junior tennis, and spent most of my time training or playing tournaments.
I've also played the violin since as early as I can remember, and played in the school orchestra as well as the California AllState Honor Orchestras every year.
At school, I continue these passions with the CWRU Club Tennis Team and the Case Symphony Orchestra.
In the summer of 2021, I interned with the Dosenet, Radwatch group at UC Berkeley to investigate the correlation between radiation and smoke particulates in the air.
From this experience I wrote and published an article with the San Francisco Chronicle informing the public about the potential dangers of a radioactive world.
This summer, I am working full time as an Undergraduate Student Researcher with the Solar Durability Energy and Lifetime Extension Center.
I am developing machine learning pipelines using scikit-learn and unsupervised clustering algorithms to transform XRD image data.
I hope to publish a couple research papers on the applications of machine learning and GNNs in XRD analysis.
Please look around my website! I am currently working on a couple projeects, and I have a gallery for
the photos I've taken while traveling.
Case Western Reserve University
GPA: 4.0/4.0
Relevant Courses
CSDS 233: Data Structures
CSDS 310: Algorithms
CSDS 338: Intro to Operating Systems
CSDS 210: Logic and Organization (Computer logic and Assembly)
CSDS 438: High Performance Computing
CSDS 293: Software Craftsmanship (Git, Github)
PHIL 201: Intro to Logic (AI)
ACCT 100: Intro to Accounting
BAFI 335: Current Apps in Fintech
Math Courses: Linear Algebra, Discrete Math, Calculus I-III
Castro Valley High School
GPA: 3.98/4.0, 4.6/5.0, AP Courses: 13